Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Just a little rust

I dropped the black and grey tanks so I could get a good look at my frame situation. It was not good! Just a little rust! The rear cross member was completely rusted out. The center support that ran between the grey and black tanks was almost gone. I took some measurements and drew up what I needed with AutoCad and had a local shop make me some replacements. As it turned out they made my new brackets out of galvanized sheet and I am hoping that I will never have to replace them again.

Friday, September 12, 2008

I'm infamous

I'm now In-Famous, that's more than Famous (quote from the Three Amigos). I made the VAP! Vintage Airstream Podcast. This is a Podcast that comes out every 2 weeks. It consists of a host Tim Sheppard and 2 panel professionals Rob Baker and Colin Hyde. The podcast covers all things Airstream. From total restorations to traveling across the country to Airstream ralleys. They had been looking for people to call-in and talk about their year of Airstreams for a couple of episodes, but no one was calling. They wanted people from each year to call in on the episode that matched their year. I called in on the 78th episode because I had a 78' Airstream Soviergn. If you have 56 minutes to kill, 26megs of hard-drive space, and want to hear everything about Airstreams go and download it. 78th episode Rob Baker pretends to dislike everything about the 70's Airstreams, so that's why I'm hassling him on the podcast. You think I'm nuts about my airstream... Rob and Colin at any one time may own upwards of 5 to 10 each!

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Kitchen removal

I had the Airstream cleaned out from the door forward, now it was time to remove the kitchen and the bedroom. It took me a few days to get all the stuff out. I'm not sure how many rivets I drilled out, but it must have been hundreds. All of the upper cabinets were riveted to the shell of the Airstream. At this point everything was removed except the bathroom. I took out over 500 lbs of material.